- 地点:
- Serbia, Belgrade
- 日期:
25 Feb 2025 - 27 Feb 2025
- 期间:
3 days
- 首选课程语言:
- 第二课程语言:
- 价格:
750.00 EUR
- 细分市场:
Bakery & PastryHoreca
- 课程人数:
Famous Chef Marike is visiting us again with her latest recipes and techniques, and for the most experienced confectioners in February. Marike's work is inspired by her travels, daily outdoor pursuits, and arts & design and she is currently investigating how we can go plant-based or discover ingredient alternatives without sacrificing the flavor and remaining as clean label as possible. The focus of this 3 day course at the Belgrade Chocolate Academy will be teaching you how to use different ingredients within your desserts to replace the usual dairy and animal products.
Poznata šefica Marike ponovo nas posećuje u februaru sa svojim najnovijim receptima i tehnikama, samo za najiskusnije poslastičare. Marikin rad je inspirisan njenim putovanjima, svakodnevnim aktivnostima na otvorenom, umetnošću i dizajnom i trenutno istražuje kako možemo da koristimo biljke ili otkrijemo alternative sastojcima bez žrtvovanja ukusa i očuvanja što je moguće čistijih sastojaka. Fokus ovog trodnevnog kursa u Chocolate Academy Belgrade biće učenje kako da koristite različite sastojke u svojim poslasticama, a da zamenite uobičajene mlečne i životinjske proizvode.