FOR SPARKLING CAKES & BAKES Unleash a new generation of donuts, cakes & cookies boasting the fruity ruby taste, satisfying crunch and bedazzling looks. Ruby chocolate decorations turn any biscuit into a star on shelf or in the counter.FOR SPARKLING CAKES & BAKES Unleash a new generation of donuts, cakes & cookies boasting the fruity ruby taste, satisfying crunch and bedazzling looks. Ruby chocolate decorations turn any biscuit into a star on shelf or in the counter.FOR SPARKLING CAKES & BAKES Unleash a new generation of donuts, cakes & cookies boasting the fruity ruby taste, satisf...
包括 : 3 组件
配料: Dough
750 g面粉
30 g糖
30 g黑糖
7 g海盐
20 g酵母
400 g全蛋
准备工作: Dough
Beat together in stand mixer with flat beater until dough becomes stretchy.
配料: Dough
250 g黄油
准备工作: Dough
Mix in. Cover and leave to rise.
Store in fridge for 12 hours. Shape donuts and deep fry.
配料: Glaze
75 g水
150 g砂糖
150 g葡萄糖
100 g甜炼乳
准备工作: Glaze
Heat to 75°C.
配料: Glaze
150 gCallebaut ® 优质比利时红宝石巧克力配方 N°RB1 (CHR-R35RB1)
10 g可可脂
6 g甜菜根粉
70 g明胶块
准备工作: Glaze
Heat and add on top.
Mix well.
put in bowl, film and keep in fridge.
Heat to 35°C before use.
Cool down and glaze. Leave to set.
配料: Decorations
准备工作: Decorations
Tip: Flatten crystallised ruby chocolate on a transfer sheet and let set. Put some weight on it and chill in fridge for 10 min. Break into pieces.

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