包括 : 5 组件
Brownie biscuit
配料: Brownie biscuit
30 g蛋黄
50 g砂糖
50 g红糖
准备工作: Brownie biscuit
Mix together using a flat whisk.
配料: Brownie biscuit
85 g黄油
45 gCallebaut®单一原产地圣多美巧克力 (SAOTHOME-E4-U70)
准备工作: Brownie biscuit
Melt at 35°C. Add.
配料: Brownie biscuit
20 g面粉
5 gCallebaut® 可可粉 (CP-E0-776)
准备工作: Brownie biscuit
Sieve and add.
配料: Brownie biscuit
20 g咸花生
20 gCallebaut® 纯烤榛子酱 (PNP-663)
准备工作: Brownie biscuit
配料: Brownie biscuit
45 g蛋白
10 g砂糖
准备工作: Brownie biscuit
Beat until foamy. Add.
Put in a frame. Bake in ventilated oven at 175°C for 25 min.
(open key). Let cool and cut 2.5 cm diameter discs.
Pecan praliné
配料: Pecan praliné
500 g35%奶油
准备工作: Pecan praliné
Whip like a chantilly.
配料: Pecan praliné
100 g山核桃果酱
准备工作: Pecan praliné
Add. Put in piping bag.
Poached apple dices
配料: Poached apple dices
200 g水
40 g糖
准备工作: Poached apple dices
Make a syrup.
配料: Poached apple dices
3 g八角
准备工作: Poached apple dices
配料: Poached apple dices
300 g青苹果块
准备工作: Poached apple dices
Poach in syrup. Store in fridge.
Milk chocolate mousse
配料: Milk chocolate mousse
100 g牛奶
准备工作: Milk chocolate mousse
Boil in a pan.
配料: Milk chocolate mousse
390 g可可百利牛奶巧克力 Couverture Pureté Alunga™ 41% (CHM-Q41ALUN-E1-U68)
准备工作: Milk chocolate mousse
Melt. Add and mix. Let cool until 35°C.
配料: Milk chocolate mousse
505 g35%奶油
准备工作: Milk chocolate mousse
Add this to the mixture.
Put in the fridge;
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