- Адрес:
- United Kingdom, Banbury
- Дата:
17 Jun 2024 - 18 Jun 2024
- Продолжительность:
2 days
- Основной язык курса:
- Цена:
650.00 GBP
- В каком сегменте вы работаете?:
- Количество мест:
Have you ever thought about working with chocolate? Come and join us on this 2 day course where we will cover basic techniques that will provide you with the confidence to create your own bespoke range of chocolate products.
Who should attend: Anyone who has an interest in developing their chocolate knowledge, whether you are opening your own business or just want to update your professional skills.
Программа курса
This is an informative, practical and hands on course for beginners incorporating the range of products below:
- Explanation of the chocolate making process from cocoa tree to chocolate bar
- Chocolate tasting – plantation, origin, blended grades
- Tempering theory and practical - pre-crystallisation methods: seeding with callets and mycryo cocoa butter, microwave tempering and a review of equipment and machinery
- Ideal working and storage conditions
- Chocolate truffles: pre-made truffle spheres finished with classic and contemporary decoration
- Moulded chocolates with ganache fillings – decorated with cocoa butters and creative powders
- Cut chocolates ganaches
- Chocolate lollipops - demonstrating the use of transfer sheets
- Fun chocolate bars
- Seasonal novelty chocolate figure
You will also receive a full list of UK supply contacts to assist you with your chocolate equipment and ingredient sourcing
The course includes:
- All course materials and recipe booklet
- Lunch and Refreshments
- Chocolate Academy Chefs Jacket
- Signed Chocolate Academy Certificate
- Your beautiful hand crafted products to take home with you
Note: Accommodation not included
What to wear: You will be in a professional working environment so will need to wear comfortable working clothes (long trousers) and covered, closed toe shoes.
Please note: Jewellery (including watches) and nail varnish to be removed for the duration of the course.
Price includes VAT
NOTE: Your course place is not secured until full payment has been received.
Практическая информация
Мы прилагаем к нашим спискам курсы и высылаем информацию о присоединении за 2 месяца до даты начала курса.
Если у вас есть какие-либо технические или связанные с курсом вопросы, пожалуйста, напишите нам chocolate_academy_ukie@barry-callebaut.com
Чтобы ваше место на курсе было подтверждено, вы должны произвести полную оплату.
В стоимость курса входит:
куртка шеф-повара
Обед (пожалуйста, сообщите нам о любых аллергенах или диетических требованиях не позднее, чем за 2 недели до начала курса)
Рецепты / информационный буклет
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Проживание и вечернее питание не включены