This ruby chocolate sauce recipe is a great match with any dessert. You can serve it with any dessert, ranging from light creamy mousses to indulgent dark chocolate ice cream. It will always add a unique indulgent touch with fruity and sour notes. And it pops on the plate.This ruby chocolate sauce recipe is a great match with any dessert. You can serve it with any dessert, ranging from light creamy mousses to indulgent dark chocolate ice cream. It will always add a unique indulgent touch with fruity and sour notes. And it pops on the plate.This ruby chocolate sauce recipe is a great match with any dessert. You can serve it with any dessert, ranging from ligh...
Содержимое: кол-во компонентов: 1
рубиновый соус
ИНГРЕДИЕНТЫ: рубиновый соус
137 г.молоко
512 г.35% сливок
5 г.свекольный порошок
ПРИГОТОВЛЕНИЕ: рубиновый соус
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ИНГРЕДИЕНТЫ: рубиновый соус
546 г.
ПРИГОТОВЛЕНИЕ: рубиновый соус
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