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Replay WCM - Sunflower Tuiles World Chocolate Masters technique from Chef Attila Menyhárt featuring a unique tuile decoration WCM - Sunflower Tuiles
Replay WCM - Coral decoration World Chocolate Masters technique from Chef Togo Matsuda featuring a delicate cigarette leaf WCM - Coral decoration
Replay WCM- Sugar paste tartlets World Chocolate Masters new baking technique from Chef Jiro Tanaka WCM- Sugar paste tartlets
Replay WCM - Dragees 2.0 World Chocolate Masters technique from Chef Igor Zaritskyi featuring his dragées in 3 different varieties WCM - Dragees 2.0
Replay WCM - Chocolate stencil World Chocolate Masters technique from Chef Lluc Crusellas featuring Stencil into the chocolate mould WCM - Chocolate stencil
Replay WCM - Iced truffle World Chocolate Masters technique from Chef Christophe Rull featuring Frozen bonbon WCM - Iced truffle
Replay WCM - Creative with moulds World Chocolate Masters technique from Chef Jacky Lung featuring Sticker in mould to give it a personal touch. WCM - Creative with moulds
Replay WCM - Bonbon dipping World Chocolate Masters technique from Chef Jiro Tanaka of a brand new way of bonbon-making WCM - Bonbon dipping
Replay Handpainted Easter Eggs The super talented Emily Hankins shows us how to create her signature handpainted flowers Handpainted Easter Eggs
Replay Chocolate Baubles A range of chocolate baubles gifts including desserts, hot chocolate drink bombes and Christmas tree decorations Chocolate Baubles
Replay Chocolate Equipment for Beginners The UK Chocolate Academy Chefs share their must have chocolate equipment to start your chocolate journey! Chocolate Equipment for Beginners
Replay Pralines See Julie and Clare make chewy hazelnut caramel, orange praline cake, praline tart, spiced praline bonbons and triple layer praline. Pralines
Replay Chocolate Glazes Mark will share his tips and tricks on how to create a glaze ideal for different applications Chocolate Glazes
Replay How To Work with Callebaut Ruby Top tips on tricks on how to work with Ruby chocolate, the best flavour pairings and Mark's favourite things to make with Ruby. How To Work with Callebaut Ruby
Replay Chocolate Flowers Beautiful chocolate flowers that can be added to simple chocolate elements like wood and marble and assembled into a small chocolate centrepiece. Chocolate Flowers
Replay Chocolate Mousse The basic components of getting your mousse right, different ways to decorate and top tips when creating the best mousse for different applications. Chocolate Mousse
Replay Chocolate Easter Eggs and Figures Easter themed inspiration! Chocolate Easter Eggs and Figures