Marble Bonbones
28 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025
3 days
Langue principale du cours:
450.00 EUR
Nombre de places disponibles:

The Level 2 program is designed for a professional with good knowledge about chocolate who has completed the Chocolate Discovery  course and is ready to take their chocolate skills to the next level. 

It provides you to expand your knowledge of tools, techniques and methods used to customize and differentiate your chocolate treats from the competition, as well as to understand the steps in emulsion, the basics of chocolate equipment and machines.
This professional course will explore interesting shapes, textures, unique flavors and colorful cocoa butter spraying techniques. Each recipe has been designed to showcase the most advanced chocolate techniques that will make your confections unforgettable. 

Chocolate 2.0  je dizajniran za profesionalce sa dobrim znanjem o čokoladi koji su završili kurs Chocolate Discovery  koji su spremni da svoje čokoladne veštine podignu na sledeći nivo.

Omogućava Vam da proširite svoje znanje o alatima, tehnikama i metodama koje se koriste za isticanje i diferencijaciju Vaših čokoladnih poslastica od konkurencije, kao i da razumete korake u radu s čokoladom, kao i osnove opreme i mašina koje se koriste.
Ovaj profesionalni kurs istražuje i zanimljive oblike, teksture, jedinstvene ukuse i raznobojne tehnike prskanja kakao putera. Svaki recept je osmišljen tako da pokaže najnaprednije čokoladne tehnike koje će Vaše poslastice učiniti nezaboravnim.

Calendrier des cours

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