Also known as the "direct method" of tempering, this method is valuable in many situations and demonstrates the science of tempering.

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Submitted by Rose Evans on Sat, 06/15/2024 - 15:57
As per the instruction, I tried to melt the chocolate in the microwave not exceeding final working temperature which is 29C. My chocolate didn't melt at all. Hence I tried to put in the microwave for about 20 secs and it melt. But the temperature went up around 31C and when I tested on parchment paper and spatula, it didn't set within 3-5 mins. Chocolate is still soft and left fingerprint on it when I touch it. What could be wrong during tempering?
Submitted by Miranda K - Ch… on Tue, 06/18/2024 - 22:46
In reply to As per the instruction, I… by Rose Evans
Hi, Rose. I would imagine that the issue you encountered had to do with warmth from the bowl you used, uneven stirring, or sessions in the microwave that were a little too long and brought some of the chocolate to a much higher temperature than was ideal.
The direct method seems like it would be the easiest, but I like it only for *very* small quantities of chocolate, and I usually need to remove a few small lumps rather than try to melt them all out. I prefer the seeding method for anything more than a handful of callets, and the seeding method can be done using your microwave rather than a warming device, so equipment is not an issue.
If you are sure the direct method is for you, a few tips for success are:
• Microwaves have "hot spots," none of them heat evenly, so Chef Russ's tip about stirring thoroughly is not to be taken lightly.
• He notes that microwaves vary, and that's a serious note as well! He starts with 45 seconds, which would result in disaster in my microwave. I heat and stir in 20-second bursts. You may need to adjust your timing for best results.
• Definitely use a plastic bowl. Glass or ceramic will hold heat and continue to warm the chocolate after you've removed it from the microwave.
• Give the chocolate a little time between microwave trips to let any residual heat work its magic.
• If you've got just a small number of unmelted pieces at the end, I suggest removing them or heating the chocolate gently with a heat gun. It's too easy to take it too far in the microwave.
Submitted by Rose Evans on Sat, 06/15/2024 - 15:57
As per the instruction, I tried to melt the chocolate in the microwave not exceeding final working temperature which is 29C. My chocolate didn't melt at all. Hence I tried to put in the microwave for about 20 secs and it melt. But the temperature went up around 31C and when I tested on parchment paper and spatula, it didn't set within 3-5 mins. Chocolate is still soft and left fingerprint on it when I touch it. What could be wrong during tempering?
Submitted by Regina Ribeiro on Fri, 04/26/2024 - 14:53
Bom dia, gostaria de receber uma informação, fiz um ovo de páscoa agora esse ano, com o sicao chocolate nobre blend validade do produto é 08/11/2024, fiz a temperagen no microondas, embalei e ainda não consumi, qual o prazo para consumo e vou dar para criança, tenho medo de não estar mais dentro da validade de consumo , vocês podem me explicar como devo proceder?? Obrigada meu nome é Regina