Chocolate Academy Presents

Chocolate Academy Presents

Chocolate Academy presents
Pina Colada Donuts

A Collection of Exclusive Recipe Guides

At the Chocolate Academy, we celebrate craftsmanship and empower artisans & chefs with real solutions. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, skills, knowledge, or business support, we are here to provide you with expert guidance and practical solutions.

We are excited to share a treasure trove of approachable dessert ideas that you can incorporate into your own menu offerings!

Chocolate-like alternatives brochure

Unleash Chocolate Experiences with Compound Versatility

Explore the world of affordable and delicious chocolate-like solutions! 

Chocolate Trends 2023

Top Chocolate Trends for 2023

The Chocolate Academy™ has pinned down the top chocolate trends for 2023 and beyond.

We’ve tapped into our global network of chefs, chocolate & confectionery experts, proprietary research, and consumer data to bring you the latest insights and inspiration.

Donut Studio Brochure Cover

The Donut Studio

Get in front of the curve with these visually impactful, creative concepts for donuts. The ideas in this booklet are based on current trends and speak directly to consumers’ favorite flavors and colors!