Good to go
High profit
Long shelflife
Combining Alunga 41% and Legere 1% creates a rich and light S'mores panettone that delivers a satisfying and balanced indulgenceCombining Alunga 41% and Legere 1% creates a rich and light S'mores panettone that delivers a satisfying and balanced indulgenceCombining Alunga 41% and Legere 1% creates a rich and light S'mores panettone that delivers a satisfying and balanced in...
- Shelf life:
- 2 weeks
- Conservation:
- Room temperature
Containing: 4 Components
First dough
Ingredients: First dough
3.4 lbPanettone Flour
1.8 lbwater
1.1 lbLievito Madre
0.9 lbsugar
1.0 lbegg yolks
1.4 lbbutter
Preparation: First dough
- Mix water and sugar and let it rest for 5 minutes
- Add flour and Lievito Madre. Mix untilfull development
- Add soft butter, mix until full development
- Add the yolk, mix until full devolpment
- Place in a container at 24 Degrees Celsius for 24 hours. Dough need to triple in volume
View tools
- Spiral Mixer
Second Dough
Ingredients: Second Dough
9.6 lbFirst Dough
1.3 lbPanettone Flour
10.6 ozsugar
11.3 ozwater
1.1 ozsalt
6.3 ozhoney
1.2 lbEgg yolk
2.1 lbbutter
0.4 ozMalt
Preparation: Second Dough
- Mix first dough, malt, Légère 1% cacao powder and flour. Mix until full development.
- Add sugar. Mix until full development.
- Add egg yolk. Mix until full development.
- Add salt and honey. Mix until full development.
- Add butter. Mix until full development.
- Add water. Mix until full development.
- Add Alunga callets until fully blended.
View tools
- Spiral Mixer
Ingredients: Macaronade
1.0 lbsugar
5.3 ozbread flour
7.9 ozWhite Eggs
0.7 ozalmond slivered
0.7 ozpearl sugar
Preparation: Macaronade
- Mix everything together (except almond slivered and pear sugar)
- Spread it on a tray
- Sprinke almond slivered and pearl sugar all over
- Bake it at 170 Degrees Degrees until golden color
View tools
- Whisk
- Spatula(s)
- Oven
- Right after mixing start dividing the dough at 270 gr and pre shape round
- Let it rest for 30 minutes
- Shape in batard shape and place it in the mould
- Proof it for 4 to 5 hours at 26 Degrees Celsius
- Bake it at 170 Degrees Celsius for 30 minutes. Core temperature should reach 93 Degrees Celsius
- Turn them upside down and keep them cooling for at least 4 hours
- Deep the panettone in Caramel Shine
- Before it crystalize place on top some crushed macaronade, candied orange and sugar pearl

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Submitted by Felice Bogus on Mon, 12/04/2023 - 03:51
The Preparation instructions are clearly for a different panettone recipe. Could you please post the correct instructions along with the correct toppings? Thank you.
Submitted by Miranda K - Ch… on Tue, 12/05/2023 - 16:16
In reply to The Preparation instructions… by Felice Bogus
Thanks for the heads-up, Felice, and please accept our apologies. We're sure you'd like to get started on this right away, and we're sorry to delay you! We're working to get this corrected as quickly as possible.