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Apple rosette tart cup
วัตถุดิบ: Apple rosette tart cup
1/4 ถ้วยเนย
2 กไข่
3/4 ช้อนสารสกัดวานิลลาเข้มข้น
1/8 ช้อนเกลือ
1/3 ถ้วยลูกอมน้ำตาลทรายขาว
1/2 ถ้วยแป้งอเนกประสงค์
1 ช้อนlemon zest
1/3 ถ้วยน้ำตาลทราย
การตระเตรียม: Apple rosette tart cup
- Preheat oven to 375° F.
- Butter and flour twelve (3 inch) madeleine molds; set aside.
- Melt butter. Set aside and let cool to room temperature.
- Beat eggs, vanilla and salt at high speed until light and combined.
- Beating constantly, gradually add sugar; until mixture is thick, pale and ribbons form in bowl when beaters are lifted.
- Sift flour into egg mixture 1/3 at a time, gently folding after each addition.
- Add lemon zest and pour melted butter around edge of batter. Pipe batter into buttered and floured mold and cool 15 minutes before baking.
- Bake 14 to 17 minutes, or until cakes are golden and the tops spring back when gently pressed with your fingertip.
- Pop out onto rack. Immediately sprinkle warm madeleines with granulated sugar or simple syrup.
- Stack finished product in the Tart Cup and top with Ivory Décor Curls.

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