- Lokacija:
- United Kingdom, Banbury
- Datum:
09 Feb 2023 - 10 Feb 2023
- Trajanje:
2 dana
- Glavni jezik na kursu:
- Cena:
700.00 GBP
- Сегмент:
Chocolate ConfectioneryHoreca
- Veličina grupe:
We are thrilled to welcome back Alexandre Bourdeaux to teach at the UK Chocolate Academy in Banbury.
During Alexandre’s extensive travels he has acquired knowledge and insights from different cultures and trends which he has translated into his signature range.
Alexandre worked as Head of the Callebaut Chocolate Academy in Wieze for 10 years but now has created his own consultancy company "Pastry & Chocadvice" where he continues to share his love and passion for all things chocolate.
Agenda kursa
Consumers expectations are continually changing as they become increasingly conscious of what they are buying. As Chocolatiers and Chefs we need to embrace these new opportunities and create our own individual distinct range.
Alexandre will explore the shifting chocolate landscape where we are finding that the traditional snacking times have changed, creating a new and exciting market.
Who should attend?
Chocolatiers, pastry chefs, product development chefs
This exciting course will cover a whole host of beautiful creations including:
Gummy Bears
Praktične informacije
Укључујемо дневни ред курсева са нашим списковима курсева и послаћемо детаље о придруживању 2 месеца пре датума почетка вашег курса.
Ако имате било каква техничка питања или питања везана за курс, пошаљите нам е-пошту chocolate_academy_ukie@barry-callebaut.com
Да би ваше место било потврђено на курсу, морате извршити пуну уплату.
Ваша накнада за курс укључује:
- Цхеф Јацкет
- Ручак (молимо вас обавестите нас о алергенима или прехрамбеним захтевима најмање 2 недеље пре датума почетка курса)
- Рецепти / Информатор
НАПОМЕНА: Смештај и вечера нису укључени