Smooth and sensational baking paste with intense hazelnut taste.
dostupne velicine
  • 10kg Bucket
  • Sustainable cocoa
  • Vegetarian

Spoil your customers with an abundance of hazelnut taste.
Creme dell'Artigiano Gold may definitely become your n°1 pastry filling in cold pastries. It can even be baked along in rolls, buns, croissants and Danish pastries and gives them a heavenly smooth, indulgently rich hazelnut centre. The paste is very easy to use: just soften slightly before piping it into your pastry crusts, rolls, buns or tartlets. With its unique recipe – rich in hazelnuts – Creme dell'Artigiano Gold easily resists oven temperatures up to 200°C. The paste keeps its smooth mouthfeel even after baking and doesn't dry out. What's more is that Creme dell'Artigiano Gold is free from any hydro fats.
Creme dell'Artigiano can also be used for glazing cakes and pastries – after slight heating to max. 40°C.



Main features

Resists oven temperatures up to 200°C.

How to Use

Just soften before piping it in pastries or doughs, or before glazing.


Suitable For
  • Vegetarian
Free From
  • Not Gluten
  • Cocoa Horizons Program
  • Sustainable cocoa

Cocoa Horizons

Cocoa Horizons.
Sa ovom cokoladom podrzavate uzgajivace kakaa. Cokoladi je potrebno najfinije zrno kakaa. Danas kao i sutra. Za svako kupljeno pakovenje cokolade mi reinvestiramo deo u odrzivi uzgoj kakaa putem fondacije Cocoa Horizons.


  • broj porudzbine:
    rok trajanja:
    12 months
    10kg Bucket | 1/Bucket