25 Mar 2025 - 26 Mar 2025
2 days
Основной язык курса:
800.00 GBP
В каком сегменте вы работаете?:
Традиционная выпечка и сдоба
Общественное питание
Количество мест:

We are thrilled to be welcoming world-renowned Chocolatier, Melissa Coppel to the UK & Ireland Chocolate Academy.

Melissa studied pastry in Argentina before moving to Chicago to attend The French Pastry School in 2006. Coppel worked at Joel Robuchon at the Mansion, a three-star Michelin restaurant and ran the pastry kitchen at L’Atelier de Joel Robuchon in Las Vegas.

She later mastered her talent with chocolate at casinos like Caesars Palace and the Bellagio, where she exclusively focused on chocolate. She co-founded a wholesale chocolate company in Las Vegas before starting her own school in 2016.

Программа курса

Melissa Coppel's specialty! A concept that brings together her pastry background, the world of chocolate, and her glossy, colourful designs.

The Dessert Bars class brings together these two worlds that are so close, but so far apart.

Inspiration can come from anywhere: blueberry tarts, cherry pistachio cobbler, even the Italian pasta classic cacio e pepe!

Dessert bars are bigger molded bonbons filled with complex compositions inspired by plated desserts.

This is the perfect class for intrepid chocolatiers who want to turn surprising flavors and chocolate pieces into delicious, unique results.

In this class, Melissa will cover a wide variety of products, such as:
- Candy Bars with nostalgic flavors like “Twix” and “Snickers.”
- Dessert bars inspired by desserts like NY-style cheesecake or apple pie.
- Chocolate Tarts: Traditional tarts, like pecan pie, but adapted for a chocolate shop.

Практическая информация

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В стоимость курса входит:

куртка шеф-повара
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