This recipe makes a perfect base, both for cold and hot ruby chocolate drinks. Served cold, they’re the perfect refreshment in summer. Served hot, they’re a extravagant indulgent treat when it gets colder. The slight addition of beetroot in the recipe sparks up the ruby colour and its fresh sour notes, yet without changing the taste of the drink.This recipe makes a perfect base, both for cold and hot ruby chocolate drinks. Served cold, they’re the perfect refreshment in summer. Served hot, they’re a extravagant indulgent treat when it gets colder. The slight addition of beetroot in the recipe sparks up the ruby colour and its fresh sour notes, yet without changing the taste of the drink.This recipe makes a perfect base, both for cold and hot ruby chocolate drinks. Served cold, they’re the perfect refreshm...
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напиток из шоколада ruby
ИНГРЕДИЕНТЫ: напиток из шоколада ruby
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ИНГРЕДИЕНТЫ: напиток из шоколада ruby
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