Ao tentar desenformar bombons ou tabletes, parte ou todo o produto permanece no molde.
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Enviado por Susan Foster em Sat, 12/28/2024 - 18:54
What is the best way to get candies that are stuck in a mold out?
Enviado por Miranda K - Ch… em Mon, 12/30/2024 - 17:35
In reply to What is the best way to get… by Susan Foster
First, Susan, I'm sorry that happened to you. It's so frustrating and such a mess!
In these situations - it can happen to anyone - I'll use my finger (with a glove on or using a cloth) to remove as much of the bonbon from the cavities as possible. Once I've removed the majority of the stuck-on goo and chocolate, I'll leave the mold in a warming cabinet for a bit to soften the shells, then wipe them out with a soft cloth. You can also gently heat the molds with a heat gun if you don't have a warming cabinet.
In this instance, I feel that you need to wash your mold, even if you generally would not, to avoid cross-contamination on your next batch and to remove anything that isn't cocoa butter-based from the surface of the cavities.
Enviado por Amber Latimore em Sat, 04/29/2023 - 07:26
Hello! What brand of alcohol and type of alcohol are you using to clean the molds?
Enviado por Miranda K - Ch… em Mon, 05/01/2023 - 19:52
In reply to Hello! What brand of alcohol… by Amber Latimore
Hi there! Chef Russ doesn't mention a specific brand because not all products are available in all areas depending on regional restrictions. You'll want to go to your local liquor store and look for pure grain alcohol in the highest proof available.