- Localização:
- Serbia, Belgrade
- Data:
11 Oct 2023 - 13 Oct 2023
- Duração:
3 dias
- Idioma primário do curso:
- Preço:
750.00 EUR
- Segmento:
Homebaker e ChocolatariaHotéis, Restaurantes e Catering
- Tamanho da turma:
Join our course with Christophe Morel!
He will guide you through his sculpting techniques and you will work independently to design and assemble an artistic showpiece. The course will teach you the cold emulsion modeling techniques which gives you the confidence to work with chocolate as you would with clay. This hands-on course will allow you to work on sculpting techniques to achieve unique creations.
Christophe will guide you through his sculpting techniques and teach you his tips and tricks for creating your own chocolate masterpiece.
The course includes:
- Carving tools which will be used to sculpt the showpiece - will be provided for the duration of the course.
- All course materials and aprons.
- At the end of the course, you may want to take home your piece – you will need to consider transporting this. If you need any advice please contact the Academy
- A signed certificate.
- Lunch and Refreshments.
With over 33 years of experience in chocolate, Christophe Morel is an internationally acknowledged chocolate artisan and chocolate sculptor.
Christophe has won many prestigious awards including the Canadian National Chocolate Awards in 2003, The Coupe du Monde de la Patisserie and took part in the World Chocolate Masters in 2005 and 2007.
Pridružite se našem kursu sa Christofom Morelom!
Kroz vođen rad tehnike vajanja, imaćete priliku da samostalno radite na kreiranju i sklapanju umetničkog dela od čokolade. Ovde ćete naučiti tehnike modeliranja hladne emulzije koje će vam dati samopouzdanje da radite sa čokoladom kao i sa glinom. Ovaj praktični kurs će vam pružiti priliku da radite na tehnikama vajanja kako biste postigli jedinstvene kreacije.
Kristof će vas voditi kroz tehnike skulpturisanja čokolade i naučiti vas svojim savetima i trikovima za kreiranje sopstvenog čokoladnog remek-dela.
Kurs uključuje:
- Alate za rezbarenje koji će se koristiti za oblikovanje eksponata - biće obezbeđeni za vreme trajanja kursa.
- Svi materijali za kurs i kecelje.
- Na kraju kursa, možda ćete želeti da ponesete svoju kreaciju kući -ali, imajte na umu transport iste. Ako vam je potreban savet, obratite se Akademiji.
- Potpisan sertifikat.
- Ručak i osveženje.
Sa preko 33 godine iskustva rada u čokoladi, Christof Morel je međunarodno priznat čokolatijer i vajar čokolade.
Kristof je osvojio mnoge prestižne nagrade uključujući Canadian National Chocolate Awards 2003. godine, The Coupe du Monde de la Patisserie i učestvovao je na World Chocolate Masters 2005. i 2007. godine.
Agenda de cursos
Workshop hours: 08.30-12.00, 13.00-16.30
Lunch break: 12.00-13.00, Lunch is provided.
Trajanje radionice: 08.30-12.00, 13.00-16.30
Pauza za ručak: 12.00-13.00, ručak je obazbeđen.