mexican pastry
USA, New York
07 Jul 2025
1 dia
Idioma primário do curso:
Idioma secundário do curso:
125.00 USD
Padaria e confeitaria tradicional
Hotéis, Restaurantes e Catering
Tamanho da turma:

In this class with Chef Alan Espinoza, Head of Chocolate Academy Mexico, inspiration will be found in the flavors, shapes and culture in Latin America. With a focus on simple recipes that can be adapted for every need, he will create desserts for different segments such as hotels, restaurants, pastry boutiques, catering, etc.

The desserts will be created in completely customized molds with the intention of keeping you inspired by your craft and to create desserts that will amaze your customers. In addition to sparking your imagination, the goal of this class will be to teach different textures and techniques that you can apply immediately in your kitchen. 

Target audience:
Since Chocolate Academy is part of the Barry Callebaut group and our focus is on professional chocolate processing, our courses are only for professional bakers, pastry chefs, chocolatiers and catering chefs.

*Portions or all of this class may be taught as a demo and/or interactive demo.

Agenda de cursos

Informação prática