17 Jun 2025 - 18 Jun 2025
2 days
제 1 코스 언어 :
650.00 GBP
클래스 규모:

Are you looking for inspiration and want to know how chocolatiers and pastry chefs make their beautiful colourful creations?

Come and join us on this two day course where we will explore these techniques and give you the skills and confidence to produce your own unique range.

We will cover the different methods of colouring and decorating your chocolate moulds and tips and tricks on how to get the high shine and professional finish.

We will also look at the interior of the chocolates and how you can add layers, textures and flavours to optimise the eating experience.

Who should attend: Anyone who wants to enhance their creative chocolate skills but already has a core understanding of basic tempering techniques.

코스 구성

This is an informative and practical hands on course

What the course will cover: 

Moulded chocolates incorporating :

  • Decoration techniques with coloured cocoa butters and creative powders
  • Origin chocolate based ganaches, caramels, fruit gels and textures
  • Decorated Easter eggs
  • Layered cut ganaches - finished by hand dipping and  machine enrobing
  • Elegant snacking bars
  • Small fun seasonal figures
  • Ideal working and storage environments
  • Shelf life considerations.

You will receive a full list of UK supply contacts to assist you with your equipment and ingredient sourcing.

The course includes:

  • All course materials and recipe booklet
  • Lunch and Refreshments
  • Chocolate Academy Chefs Jacket
  • Your beautiful hand crafted creations
  • A signed Chocolate Academy certificate

Note: Accommodation not included

What to wear: You will be in a professional working environment so will need to wear comfortable working clothes (long trousers) and covered, closed toe shoes.

Please note: Jewellery (including watches) and nail varnish to be removed for the duration of the course.

Duration - day one 10am - 5pm, day two 9am - 5pm

Price includes VAT

Your course place is not secured until full payment has been received.

If you have not been on our 2 day Foundation Course (Workshop 1.0) you will need to speak with our Academy Chefs prior to booking this course. Please contact chocolate_academy_ukie@barry-callebaut.com

유용한 정보

코스 목록에 코스 의제를 포함하고 코스 시작일 2개월 전에 참여 세부 정보를 보내드립니다.

기술 또는 코스 관련 질문이 있는 경우 이메일로 이메일을 보내주십시오. chocolate_academy_ukie@barry-callebaut.com


코스에서 자리를 확인하려면 전액을 지불해야 합니다.

코스 비용에는 다음이 포함됩니다.

셰프 재킷
점심 식사 (알레르겐 또는식이 요법 요구 사항을 코스 시작일 최소 2 주 전에 알려주십시오)
조리법 / 정보 책자
참고: 숙박 및 저녁 식사는 포함되어 있지 않습니다.