- Lieu:
- Serbia, Belgrade
- Date:
30 Aug 2022 - 01 Sep 2022
- Durée:
3 days
- Langue principale du cours:
- Langue secondaire du cours:
- Prix:
450.00 EUR
- Segment:
Boulangerie PâtisseriePastry shops Hotel/Restaurant
- Taille de la classe:
Take this exclusive opportunity to join us to recreate modern petits gateaux. We will give you our secrets to enable you to replicate those amazing European style petit-gateaux finished with a delicate and decorative touch.
Iskoristite ekskluzivnu priliku da nam se pridružite u kreiranju čuvenih francuskih poslastica. Otkrijte tajne naših majstora i naučite da pravite autentične Petits gateaux uz inovativne završne tehnike dekorisanja i stilizovanja.
Informations pratiques
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