Intense chocolate taste for a hard, snappy crack around ice cream.
  • 5
  • Belgian Chocolate
Tailles disponibles
  • 2.5kg sac

The dark chocolate for gelato makers: perfect for dipping and straciatella

Ice Chocolate 811 is based on the original 811 recipe of Octaaf Callebaut and has been finetuned for gelato makers. With its high fluidity, this Ice Chocolate is ideal for dipping ice cream sticks and for making stracciatella. It has a full body cocoa and well-balanced taste that is loved by chefs around the world. Thanks to its its high cocoa butter content, Ice Chocolate 811 yields perfect end results when used for dipping and stracciatella. It requires no tempering: simply melt it and you're ready to go. The chocolate will harden within seconds in or around ice cream and enrobe it with a deliciously snappy layer. It furthermore melts quickly in the mouth to boost the palates with cocoa taste.



Type de chocolat
catégorie de produits
Belgian Chocolate


Convient Pour
  • KD-
  • Végétarien
Sans Gluten
  • Sans gluten
  • Programme Horizons Cacao
  • Sustainable cocoa

Cocoa Horizons

Cocoa Horizons.
Avec ce chocolat, vous soutenez les producteurs de cacao. Le chocolat a besoin des meilleures fèves de cacao. Aujourd'hui et demain. Pour chaque paquet de chocolat que vous achetez, nous réinvestissons une partie dans la culture durable du cacao par l'intermédiaire de la fondation Cocoa Horizons.


  • Code de commande:
    Durée de conservation:
    24 months
    2.5kg sac | 4 sacs/boîte