- Lieu:
- India, Mumbai
- Date:
25 Aug 2022 - 26 Aug 2022
- Durée:
2 days
- Langue principale du cours:
- Langue secondaire du cours:
- Prix:
18000.00 INR
- Segment:
ConfectioneryBakery & PastryHoreca
- Taille de la classe:
Chocolate Skills 2.0 - The Next Level
The Level II program is designed for a professional with good knowledge about chocolate who has completed the Chocolate Academy Beginners course and is ready to take their chocolate skills to the next level.
The two-day program focuses on providing in-depth knowledge about crafting artistic, multi-layered bonbons with the perfect sheen!
The class will cover essential skills such as handling and working with fat-soluble colors, airbrush techniques, and handling a guitar cutter. You will also learn how to create fruit-based ganaches - how to balance ratios and manage shelf-life.
You will get to learn, practice and perfect your skills under the guidance of Chef Yatik S.
Handling fat soluble colors
Coloring and decorating techniques with colored cocoa butter
Multi-layered bonbons
Handling air-brush to make designs on confectioneries
Fruit-based ganache ratios & shelf life
Calendrier des cours
- Belgian Rochers
- Chocolate Pops
- Pate de Fruit
- Tablets with freeze-dried fruits
- Tablets with seeds and cocoa nibs
- Salted Caramel bonbon with crunch
- Strawberry Balsamic bonbon
- Passionfruit Coconut bonbon
- Bonbon sacher
- Saint Domingue Cut Ganache
- Himalayan Salt Florentine
- Gold Bars
FEE: INR 18,000
(This cost covers lunch, recipe book, chocolate academy apron and certificate)
TIMING: 9:00am to 6:00pm
BATCH: Our batches are limited to 10 students. Providing an individual workspace and one-on-one guidance from Chef Yatik.