Contiene: 1 Componente
Green donuts
Ingredientes: Green donuts
530 gharina de pan
65 gazúcar
8 gsal
20 glevadura
199 ghuevos
100 gagua
1 gNuez de tierra
1vaina de vainilla rallada
Preparación: Green donuts
Knead together at low speed for 5 minutes
Ingredientes: Green donuts
125 gmantequilla
Preparación: Green donuts
Gradually add to previous mixture and knead for 20 minutes. Cover and leave to rise until doubled in size. Knead by hand and leave to rest in refrigerator overnight.
Spread out until 0.8 mm or 1 cm thick and cut into doughnut shapes with doughnut cutter. Leave to rise at room temperature until doubled in size.
Fry at 180°C.
Ingredientes: Green donuts
Preparación: Green donuts
Decoration with one coloured galette round and some Silver crunch on top. Add few pistachio nuts.

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