Chef Lauren V. Haas Returns to Chocolate Academy™ NYC for a 3-Day Masterclass

Chef Lauren V. Haas Returns to Chocolate Academy™ NYC for a 3-Day Masterclass

Blueberry Tart

Chocolate Academy™ NYC was thrilled to welcome Chef Lauren V. Haas for a 3-day immersive Masterclass at the end of August. Chef Lauren led students through a range of boutique tarts and bespoke individual pastries, several of which were plant-based.

Chef Lauren formerly served as Chocolate Academy™ Lead Chef for North America and is currently part of the teaching faculty at the Culinary Institute of America's California Campus. 

We took advantage of Chef Lauren's visit and asked her to tell us a little more about her approach to plant-based pastry.

Apricot "Tartsant" a croissant dough-based tart

What does it mean for you to be back at the Academy and teaching a class? What memories or experiences stand out from your time here?

Returning to the Chocolate Academy to teach feels like coming home. I have great memories of collaborating with the Academy team on events, product launches, and masterclasses. Designing the NYC Academy was a major focus during my time at the Academy, so it’s incredibly rewarding to return and see it thriving as a hub for the pastry community.

Plant-based strawberry-pistachio tarts

What are some key concepts about plant-based pastry that you believe bakers and pastry chefs should know? 

A focus on flavor and thoughtful ingredient substitutions is the key to successful plant-based pastry. 

Understanding the role each ingredient plays in traditional recipes is crucial. For example, consider why eggs are used in a specific recipe—are they there to stabilize, add moisture, create air, or a combination of these functions? 

Complex plant-based ingredients aren't always necessary. For example, in most cookie recipes, eggs primarily function to provide hydration. Substituting oat milk for eggs in a traditional cookie recipe can result in a plant-based cookie that is nearly indistinguishable from the original.

Strawberry Cheesecakes

Never neglect flavor. Without ingredients like butter and cream, plant-based pastries can bring out flavors in a more authentic way. Bold flavors such as fruits, nuts, or chocolate can really stand out, and focusing on intensifying these flavors can lead to great results.

 For more complex recipes, like mousses, different plant proteins and stabilizers might be needed to achieve the right texture and stability, but, starting with simple, small changes can still result in pastries that are just as rich and satisfying as their traditional counterparts while using more sustainable plant-based ingredients.

Snacking Bar

What are the biggest takeaways you hope to instill in the students who take your classes (masterclass or CIA)?   

I want students to leave with a strong technical foundation and feel empowered to build their skills and creativity. Knowledge is empowering—innovation and creativity stem from mastering the basics. I hope they find a balance between good technique and creativity, staying curious and open to learning from unexpected sources. There is always something new to discover.