Galette des Rois Evocao
Makes: 5 galettes 16 cm diameter
  • Good to go
  • High profit
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I crafted this galette by pre-baking the puff pastry, allowing me to layer a velvety chocolate ganache on the freshly baked almond-chocolate cream. The result? An extra touch of delicacy that elevates the indulgence to a whole new level.
I crafted this galette by pre-baking the puff pastry, allowing me to layer a velvety chocolate ganache on the freshly baked almond-chocolate cream. The result? An extra touch of delicacy that elevates the indulgence to a whole new level.
Shelf life:
2 days
room temperature
Containing: 4 Components

Inverted Puff Pastry

Ingredients: Inverted Puff Pastry

  • 1.8 lb
    Butter (1)
  • 10.6 oz
    Flour All purpose (1)
  • 1.1 lb
    All purpose flour
  • 7.1 oz
    strong flour
  • 10.6 oz
    cold water
  • 0.9 oz
  • 7.1 oz
    melted butter

Preparation: Inverted Puff Pastry

1. Blend the butter (1) with the flour (1) and stretch out between two sheets of plastic to approximately 60x40 cm in size.
2. Store in the fridge for approximately an hour.
3. Make an elastic dough with the rest of the ingredients in a separate bowl.
4. Roll out to a size of 30x40 cm and store in the fridge for approximately an hour.
5. Place the dough on one side of the layer of fat and cover it as if it were a book.
6. Make a first fold and let the dough rest between each fold. Make a total of six folds.
7. Roll out to the correct thickness ( 5 mm ) and 16 cm diameter
8. Bake in the oven at 200°C.

Evocao Chocolate Almond Cream

Ingredients: Evocao Chocolate Almond Cream

  • 8.8 oz
  • 8.8 oz
    icing sugar
  • 8.8 oz
  • 5.3 oz
    whole eggs
  • 8.8 oz
  • 7.1 oz

Preparation: Evocao Chocolate Almond Cream

  1. Sift the icing sugar.
  2. Using a mixer with the paddle, mix the butter and the icing sugar .
  3. Add the other dry ingredients and little by little, add the eggs.
  4. Melt the chocolate to 40C and add to the butter/egg mixture.
  5. Spread into a frame 1cm thick.
  6. Cook at 170C.
  7. Cool and cut into 14 cm disks.

Evocao Chocolate Ganache

Ingredients: Evocao Chocolate Ganache

  • 0.9 lb
    Cream 35 %
  • 1.8 oz
  • 0.7 oz
  • 6.7 oz

Preparation: Evocao Chocolate Ganache

  1. Bring the cream and glucose to a boil.
  2. Pour into the chocolate.
  3. At 40C add the butter and mix with an immersion blender.
  4. Let crystallize before using.


  1. Slice the galette horizontally into two parts.
  2. Pipe 220g Evocao ganache between 2 almond cream disks.
  3. Add some caramelized hazelnuts.
  4. Insert into the galette des rois.
  5. Decorate with the ganache and halved caramelized hazelnuts.

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