High profit
Long shelflife
Good for freezing
Sugar dough (Pate sucrée in French) is commonly used as a base for tarts, tartlets, and pies in pastry making. It provides a deliciously sweet and tender foundation for a variety of fillings, such as fruit compotes, custards, creams, and ganaches.Sugar dough (Pate sucrée in French) is commonly used as a base for tarts, tartlets, and pies in pastry making. It provides a deliciously sweet and tender foundation for a variety of fillings, such as fruit compotes, custards, creams, and ganaches.Sugar dough (Pate sucrée in French) is commonly used as a base for tarts, tartlets, and pies in pastry making. It provid...
- Shelf life:
- 5 days into fridge
- Conservation:
- Possible to be frozen
Containing: 1 Component
Chocolate Pâte Sucrée
Ingredients: Chocolate Pâte Sucrée
167 gbutter
83 gicing sugar
69 gwhole eggs
28 galmond flour
278 gplain flour
4 gbaking powder
Preparation: Chocolate Pâte Sucrée
- Cream the butter + sifted icing sugar with the paddle attachement
- Add the whole eggs
- Sift together flour + baking powder + almond flour and add into the mix
- When the texture becomes homogeneous stop to mix
- Wrap in a plastic film for at least 1 hour before using
- Finish manually and wrap into plastic wrap
- Refrigerate before using

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