A true Summer’s day delight, this Chocolate Caramel Sundae is a delicious yet cooling treat which customers will be looking for. Topped with a mouth-watering array of chocolate decorations and triple chocolate brownie chunks this dessert is a real crowd pleaser.A true Summer’s day delight, this Chocolate Caramel Sundae is a delicious yet cooling treat which customers will be looking for. Topped with a mouth-watering array of chocolate decorations and triple chocolate brownie chunks this dessert is a real crowd pleaser.A true Summer’s day delight, this Chocolate Caramel Sundae is a delicious yet cooling treat which customers will be look...
Containing: 1 Component
Chocolate Caramel Sundae
Ingredients: Chocolate Caramel Sundae
2 spoon(s)vanilla ice cream
2 spoon(s)chocolate ice cream
Preparation: Chocolate Caramel Sundae
Scoop balls of vanilla and chocolate ice cream into a tall glass.
Ingredients: Chocolate Caramel Sundae
Preparation: Chocolate Caramel Sundae
Pour melted gold chocolate over the ice cream.
Ingredients: Chocolate Caramel Sundae
8 piece(s)
Preparation: Chocolate Caramel Sundae
Place brownie cubes on top.
Ingredients: Chocolate Caramel Sundae
10 gstrawberries
10 gfresh raspberries
Preparation: Chocolate Caramel Sundae
Place strawberries and raspberries on top.
Ingredients: Chocolate Caramel Sundae
120 gwhipped cream
Preparation: Chocolate Caramel Sundae
Pipe whipped cream on top.
Ingredients: Chocolate Caramel Sundae
20 gCHR-BS-21877
Preparation: Chocolate Caramel Sundae
Sprinkle with ruby and dark chocolate blossoms.
Ingredients: Chocolate Caramel Sundae
Preparation: Chocolate Caramel Sundae
Sprinkle with salted caramel and dark chocolate crispearls.
Ingredients: Chocolate Caramel Sundae
2 piece(s)
Preparation: Chocolate Caramel Sundae
Decorate with dark chocolate pencils.

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