If you looking for the perfect moist chocolate cake recipe this is the one for you. It brings together all that we love about caramel with this callebaut chocolate ganacheIf you looking for the perfect moist chocolate cake recipe this is the one for you. It brings together all that we love about caramel with this callebaut chocolate ganacheIf you looking for the perfect moist chocolate cake recipe this is the one for you. It brings together all that we love ...
- Shelf life:
- 2 weeks
- Conservation:
- 15-17c
Callebaut Gold Chocolate Ganache
Ingredients: Callebaut Gold Chocolate Ganache
1500 gCHK‐R30GOLD
Preparation: Callebaut Gold Chocolate Ganache
temper the gold chocolate
Ingredients: Callebaut Gold Chocolate Ganache
450 gwhipping cream
Preparation: Callebaut Gold Chocolate Ganache
Boil the cream then reduce in temperature to in between 30-35c
Emusify the two mixes together and leave to set over night
Chocolate Cake
Ingredients: Chocolate Cake
200 gbutter
160 gwater
Preparation: Chocolate Cake
Preheat the oven to 160c and line the bottoms of 4 x 1 inch rings with paper and tin foil and spray with oil
in the microwave heat the butter, chocolate and water to just melted - do not over heat
Ingredients: Chocolate Cake
125 gplain flour
125 gself-raising flour
2 gbicarbonate of soda
Preparation: Chocolate Cake
Sieve the flours, cocoa powder, soda together
Ingredients: Chocolate Cake
3 Quantitylarge eggs
70 gVegetable oil
115 gButtermilk
180 glight brown caster sugar
200 gcaster sugar
Preparation: Chocolate Cake
Mix the eggs, oil and buttermilk together
Mix the two sugars in the egg mix then fold into the chocolate mix
Finally fold in the sieved flour mix
Divide the mix up into the four tins - 380g in each
Bake for 30 min or until cake is cooked through
Cake Filling
Ingredients: Cake Filling
gPre-Made Gold Ganache
Preparation: Cake Filling
Pipe Gold Ganache, pipe Callebaut Caramel, pipe Callebaut Hazelnut Bresilienne

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