These fun bubble waffles can be turned into an ice-cream cone to make a tasty dessert that’s sure to please.These fun bubble waffles can be turned into an ice-cream cone to make a tasty dessert that’s sure to please.
Bubble Waffles
Ingredients: Bubble Waffles
250 gself-raising flour
100 gcaster sugar
4 spoon(s)Corn flour
2 spoon(s)custard powder
1/4 spoon(s)salt
Preparation: Bubble Waffles
In large bowl, whisk together self-rising flour, sugar, corn flour, custard powder and salt
Ingredients: Bubble Waffles
4 piece(s)eggs
225 mlevaporated milk
50 mlVegetable oil
2 spoon(s)vanilla essence
Preparation: Bubble Waffles
In another bowl, whisk together eggs, evaporated milk, oil and vanilla
Mix the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients until blended and smooth
Cover the mixture and rest in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour or overnight. Then transfer to a jug or measuring cup with a spout
Preheat the bubble waffle pan on a medium heat (Alternatively, preheat electric bubble waffle iron according to manufacturer’s directions)
Ingredients: Bubble Waffles
Vegetable oil
Preparation: Bubble Waffles
Brush the pan with oil then pour in enough batter to fill the bubble holes evenly
Close the lid and flip pan, then cook for 3-5 minutes per side or until golden brown and crisp. Remove the waffle and repeat with remaining batter to make 5 waffles
Ingredients: Bubble Waffles
Preparation: Bubble Waffles
To melt chocolate, place callets in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on MEDIUM power, stirring every 30 seconds for 1 to 2 minutes or until smooth and melted.
Ingredients: Bubble Waffles
75 g
1 lvanilla ice cream
Preparation: Bubble Waffles
To serve, roll waffles into a cone shape and stand upright in a tall cup or parfait glass. Fill each cone with 1 large scoop of ice cream, 50g berries and drizzle with 2 tbsp melted chocolate. Garnish with Callebaut® Chocolate Pencils and Callebaut® White Chocolate Crisp Pearls

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