Timeless Classics
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No food waste
Sweet and tart strawberry doughnut with Ruby ChocolateSweet and tart strawberry doughnut with Ruby Chocolate
- Shelf life:
- 2 days
- Conservation:
- Refrigerate 13-15°C
Containing: 2 Components
Ingredients: Doughnut
120 gmilk
5 gfresh yeast
25 gCastor Sugar
40 gegg yolks
2 gsalt
25 gunsalted butter
225 gcake flour
Preparation: Doughnut
- Form a well in the flour adding the slightly warmed milk & diluting the yeast in the well
- Sprinkle with some flour & allow to ferment- poolish - 15minutes
- Add the sugar, salt, yolks & butter - mix to form a soft dough
- Allow to prove for 15minutes in the fridge
- Then form into shape or roll & cut & deep fry in clean hot oil 180°C
- Toss in castor sugar whilst warm (so that the sugar will stick )
Ruby Ganache
Ingredients: Ruby Ganache
400 gstrawberry puree
Preparation: Ruby Ganache
- Heat the puree to a full boil
- Add over chocolate and blend till combined
- Set and pipe
- Garnish with fresh berries

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