Quick & easy (production)
If you like traditional chocolate cake in a modern and twisted way, make sure you try our famous Layer cake.If you like traditional chocolate cake in a modern and twisted way, make sure you try our famous Layer cake.
- Shelf life:
- 3 days
- Conservation:
- +4°C
Containing: 2 Components
Chocolate Sacher Torte
Ingredients: Chocolate Sacher Torte
6.0 ozbutter
7.9 ozegg yolks
1.4 ozmilk
12.0 ozegg whites
10.6 ozsugar
6.0 ozflour
1.4 ozCacao powder
0.2 ozbaking powder
Preparation: Chocolate Sacher Torte
- Separately, melt the couverture and butter to 45-50°C.
- Pour over the egg and milk mixture emulsifying it and making sure it stays at 40-45°C.
- Separately, whip the egg whites with the sugar and mix it into the first batter.
- Add the previously sifted flour, cocoa powder and baking powder, folding carefully.
- Pour into the desired molds and bake at 180°C.
- Set aside.
Chocolate Ganache
Ingredients: Chocolate Ganache
1.1 lbCream 35% fat
1.8 ozinverted sugar
3.5 ozbutter
2.1 lbCHM-Q89CEYL
2.6 lbCHW-P1226ISTA
1.8 ozInvert sugar
Preparation: Chocolate Ganache
1. Bring to boil the cream with the invert sugar and the butter.
2. Pour over the chocolate and mix well using a hand blender.

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