Good to go
Good for freezing
Indulge with layers of sweet and exotic flavors that ends with a crunch in every bite!Indulge with layers of sweet and exotic flavors that ends with a crunch in every bite!
- Shelf life:
- 3 days
- Conservation:
- +3 Celsius
Containing: 5 Components
Pain de genes
Ingredients: Pain de genes
400 gMarzipan 60%
400 gWhole egg
65 gButter
80 gFlour
8 gStarch
Preparation: Pain de genes
- Place the marzipan in a mixer and with a paddle start to soften it.
- Pour the eggs in gradually and then whip at fast speed.
- Melt the butter and keep aside.
- Once the eggs with the marzipan come to a ribbon stage, remove and fold in the dry ingredients.
- Finally incorporate the butter. Pour in a flexipan 60cm x 40cm. Bake at 170°C for 7 minutes.
Exotic compote
Ingredients: Exotic compote
300 gmango puree
170 gPassion Fruit Puree
125 gBanana purée
125 gsugar
16 gsugar
8 gpectin NH
20 glime puree
Preparation: Exotic compote
- In a saucepan add mango, passion fruit, banana and sugar.
- Mix the sugar with the pectin and stir in.
- Bring to a boil.
- Finally add the lime puree and remove from the heat.
- Use a flexipan mould with 14cm cavities.
- Each cavity is 100 g. Keep 3 confit disks for decoration.
Cremeux vanilla
Ingredients: Cremeux vanilla
5 ggelatin 200 Bloom
30 gwater
324 gCream 35 %
98 gmilk
1 piece(s)Vanilla pod
90 gEgg yolks
Preparation: Cremeux vanilla
- Prepare the gelatin mass.
- In a saucepan add cream, milk, vanilla seeds and egg yolks and cook to 85°C.
- Remove from heat and cool it down slightly.
- Add the gelatin mass.
- Pour the chocolate and cacao butter.
- Allow it to melt naturally.
- Blend using an emulsifying blender.
Mouse vanilla white chocolate
Ingredients: Mouse vanilla white chocolate
7,5 ggelatin 200 Bloom
45 gwater
170 gCream 35%
0,5 piece(s)Vanilla pod
63 gEgg yolks
384 gCream 35%
87 gEgg yolks
30 gmilk powder
87 gwater
19 gGlucose
Preparation: Mouse vanilla white chocolate
- Prepare the gelatin mass.
- In a saucepan add the cream, milk, vanilla seeds and egg yolks and cook to 85°C.
- Remove from heat and cool it down slightly.
- Add the gelatin mass.
- Pour the chocolate and Cacao Butter.
- Allow it to melt naturally.
- Blend using an emulsifying blender.
- Mix with the pate a bombe at 28°C.
- Cook all to 85°C.
- In a mixer whip using whisk until it cools down.
- Mix it with the mouse as mentioned above.
- Pour approximately 325 g for each ring of 16cm.
Ingredients: Streusel
80 graw sugar
80 gFlour
80 galmond powder
1 gsalt
80 gFlour
40 gchopped almonds
80 gButter
Preparation: Streusel
- In a mixer add all dry ingredients together and mix them.
- Add the soft butter and mix with a paddle.
- Sheet the dough at 3mm between guitar sheets.

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