For those with a super sweet tooth here is a twist on a classic milkshake. Smokey caramel sauce with a caramel ice-cream shake beautifully topped with a cherry and Mona Lisa Fans.For those with a super sweet tooth here is a twist on a classic milkshake. Smokey caramel sauce with a caramel ice-cream shake beautifully topped with a cherry and Mona Lisa Fans.For those with a super sweet tooth here is a twist on a classic milkshake. Smokey caramel sauce with a caramel ice-cream...
- Shelf life:
- 1 Hour
- Conservation:
- Freeze until serving at room temperature
Containing: 3 Components
Callebaut Gold Ice Cream
Ingredients: Callebaut Gold Ice Cream
266 gheavy cream
266 gWhole milk
50 ggranulated sugar
16 gGlucose syrop
1 gsalt
166 g
Preparation: Callebaut Gold Ice Cream
- Pour the cream and milk into a pot and whisk in half of the sugar, glucose syrup, and salt. Stir until sugar and salt have dissolved. Warm until steam comes through
- Whisk together the yolks and the remaining sugar until uniform
- Temper the dairy mixture. Combine the egg yolk mixture with the dairy mixture
- Cook to nappe or 84°C
- Pour over Gold Chocolate
- Immersion blend until smooth
- Strain into a bowl and cool in an ice bath
- Transfer to paco jet canister and freeze overnight
- Spin right before making a milkshake
- Whisk
- Strainer
- Immersion blender
- Bowl (s)
- Spatula
- Pot
- Tall Container
- Pacojet canister
Caramel Sauce
Ingredients: Caramel Sauce
180 gheavy cream
180 ggranulated sugar
90 gGlucose syrop
20 gbutter
6 gSmoked Maldon Salt
Preparation: Caramel Sauce
- Warm heavy cream. Maintain a warm temperature.
- Make a dry light caramel with the sugar.
- Deglaze with heavy cream
- Add butter and salt. Stir in and allow to cool on a sheet tray with plastic wrap on both sides
- Place in the piping bag
- Microwave
- Piping Bag
- Sheet Tray
- Bowl (s)
- Plastic wrap
- Pot
- Rubber Spatula
- Induction burner
Caramel Milkshake
Ingredients: Caramel Milkshake
Q.S.Caramel Sauce
1 piece(s)Callebaut Gold Ice Cream
53 gmilk
Q.S.whipped cream
1 piece(s)Maraschino cherries
2 piece(s)CHD-DC-90191
Preparation: Caramel Milkshake
- Create a swirl throughout the glass using the caramel sauce in a piping bag.
- Place half of the Pacojet contents of Callebaut Gold ice cream into a blender along with 75 g of caramel sauce
- Blend with milk until desired consistency.
- Pour the milkshake into a milkshake glass and top it with whipped cream
- Place Dark fans on the whipped cream and top with a Maraschino cherry and caramel sauce
- Piping Bag
- Blender
- Milkshake glass

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