Good to go
High profit
Long shelflife
Orange and Cacao Barry Mexique 66%, a panettone duet that entices the senses.Orange and Cacao Barry Mexique 66%, a panettone duet that entices the senses.
- Shelf life:
- 2 weeks
- Conservation:
- Room temperature
Containing: 4 Components
First dough
Ingredients: First dough
1520 gPanettone Flour
820 gwater
450 gLievito Madre
410 gSugar
460 gegg yolks
649 gbutter
Preparation: First dough
- Mix water and sugar and let it rest for 5 minutes
- Add flour and Lievito Madre. Mix untilfull development
- Add soft butter, mix until full development
- Add the yolk, mix until full devolpment
- Place in a container at 24 Degrees Celsius for 24 hours. Dough need to triple in volume
- Spiral Mixer
Second Dough
Ingredients: Second Dough
4309 gFirst Dough
580 gPanettone Flour
300 gsugar
230 gwater
30 gsalt
150 ghoney
530 gEgg yolk
920 gbutter
150 gvanilla paste
210 gorange paste
8 gMalt
870 gCandied orange (pre-made)
Preparation: Second Dough
- Mix first dough, malt and flour, mix until full development
- Add sugar, mix until full development
- Add Egg yolk, mix until full development
- Add salt, Honey, Orange Paste, Vanilla paste, Mix until full development
- Add butter, mix until full development
- add water, mix until full development
- Add Mexique and candied orange until fully blended
- Spiral Mixer
Ingredients: Macaronade
450 gsugar
150 gbread flour
225 gWhite Eggs
20 galmond slivered
20 gpearl sugar
Preparation: Macaronade
- Mix everything together (except almond slivered and pear sugar)
- Spread it on a tray
- Sprinkle slivered almonds and pearl sugar all over
- Bake it at 170 Degrees Degrees until golden color
- Whisk
- Spatula(s)
- Oven
Ingredients: ASSEMBLY
Preparation: ASSEMBLY
- Right after mixing start dividing the dough at 270 gr and pre shape round
- Let it rest for 30 minutes
- Shape in batard shape and place it in the mould
- Proof it for 4 to 5 hours at 26 Degrees Celsius
- Bake it at 170 Degrees Celsius for 30 minutes. Core temperature should reach 93 Degrees Celsius
- Turn them upside down and keep them cooling for at least 4 hours
- Dip the panettone in tempered Gold chocolate.
- Before it crystalize place on top some crushed macaronade, candied orange and sugar pearl

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