Making chocolates with a runny filling can create a fun and different mouthfeel and flavor, which I personally really enjoy.


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Would this work by substituting another fruit purée in place of the green apple like raspberry or Yuzu, or Passionfruit? Could one a juice I stead of a purée or would that juice have to be reduced to roughly the same thickness of the purée?

Good question, Julie! Green apple contains a lot of natural pectin, and this will affect the consistency of your final product. I would recommend choosing a recipe formulated specifically for the fruit you want to use.

I have used this yuzu recipe from Ruth Hinks in the past and was really pleased with the results:…

For passionfruit, there's a nice tablet from Chef Arno Ralph that might work for you:…

Thank you for the brilliant idea of spring a layer of 50% chocolate and 50% cocoa butter on top of the Ronny center before topping it off with chocolate. I’m sure this will help tremendously with preventing leakage and I can’t wait to try it out!
