Containing: 7 Components
Brown Sugar Hazelnut Sponge Cake
Ingredients: Brown Sugar Hazelnut Sponge Cake
110 gpowdered sugar
150 gButter, Softened
150 gegg yolks
230 gHazelnut flour, toasted with skins
55 gHeavy Cream 35%
60 gbread flour
20 gCornstarch
240 gEgg whites, at room temperature
100 gDark brown sugar
4 gfine salt
Q.S.Callebaut Hazelnut Praline (PRA663)
Preparation: Brown Sugar Hazelnut Sponge Cake
- Cream the soft butter with the icing sugar together until light.
- Add the egg yolks slowly and mix well on medium speed.
- Add the hazelnut flour and mix. Note: hazelnut flour is added first because it has no gluten and can be mixed for a little longer.
- Add half of the cream and mix.
- Add the flour, cornstarch and salt and mix just until blended.
- Add the rest of the cream and mix until blended.
- In a clean bowl, put the room temperature egg whites with a little bit of the brown sugar and whip.
- Once a meringue starts forming, add the sugar gradually and keep whipping until soft to medium peaks form.
- Add a third of the meringue to the cake batter and mix to lighten the dough.
- Fold in the rest of the meringue.
- Pour the cake batter in a piping bag and cut the tip.
- Place the prepared cake mold on a scale and pipe 350g (12.3 oz) of batter into the mold.
- Smooth the top with a spatula.
- Using a piping bag, pipe small dots of Cacao Barry® praliné into the batter at regular intervals.
- Bake at 160°C (320°F) for 15 to 20 minutes or until the cake springs back when touched.
- Once the cake is baked, wrap it up in plastic film and place it in the refrigerator until needed.
- Stamp (s)
- Metal Tray
- Whisk
- Tall recipient
- Scissors
- Scraper
- Bowl(s)
- Mixing bowl (s)
- Plastic film
- Scale
- Tabletop mixer
- Silpat
- Paddle attachment*
- Rectangular silicone mold 27 cm x 10 cm (10.6" x 4")
- Piping Bag (s)
Mandarin and Apricot Compote
Ingredients: Mandarin and Apricot Compote
4 piece(s)mandarines
80 gapricot puree
140 gsugar
6 gyellow pectin
Preparation: Mandarin and Apricot Compote
- Boil the whole mandarins in lightly salted water for 1 hour and 30 minutes, changing the water a minimum of 5 times.
- NOTE: Adding salt and changing the water helps to extract the bitterness from the citrus fruit.
- Once the mandarins are boiled, cut and deseed them.
- Place them in a food processor or Thermomix® and grind. Scrape the sides of the bowl a few times and grind again until you obtain an even paste.
- Weigh 300g (10.6 oz) of the mandarin paste.
- Mix a small amount of the sugar with the pectin.
- Put the mandarin paste, apricot purée, sugar and yellow pectin in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
- NOTE: We use yellow pectin because it works well with fruit and will provide a nice set. If you work with yellow pectin, make sure you have sugar and acid in the recipe.
- Once the compote comes to a boil, take it off the heat, place it in a bowl and cover with plastic making sure the plastic comes into contact with the entire surface of the compote.
- Allow to cool in the refrigerator.
- Cooktop
- Saucepan
- Stamp (s)
- Whisk
- Knife
- Bowl(s)
- Mixing bowl (s)
- Plastic film
- Scale
- Thermomix or food processor
- Cutting board
Alto Del Sol Mousse
Ingredients: Alto Del Sol Mousse
340 gHeavy Cream 35%
4 gGelatin sheets, 180 bloom
32 gwater
78 gEggs, whole
22 gegg yolks
61 gsugar
187 gCacao Barry Alto el sol 65% cocoa
Preparation: Alto Del Sol Mousse
- Whip the cream to very soft peaks. Reserve until needed.
- Mix the gelatin with the water and allow it to bloom.
- Mix the eggs, egg yolks and sugar with a whisk over a double boiler until the temperature reaches 62°C (145°F). Keep the zabaglione at that temperature for 15 seconds to pasteurize the eggs.
- Pour the zabaglione into the bowl of a mixer and whisk at high speed until light.
- Melt the gelatin in the microwave for a few seconds.
- Mix the gelatin into the zabaglione and fold in with a whisk.
- Add the chocolate and fold in with a whisk.
- Add the whipped cream in 3 stages, folding well after each addition.
- Pour the mousse in a piping bag, cut the tip and pipe it into the mold. Fill the mold to the top.
- Tap the mold on the counter to remove any air bubbles and smooth the top with an offset spatula.
- Place the mousse in the blast freezer until completely frozen.
- Cooktop
- Saucepan
- Stamp (s)
- Metal Tray
- Whisk
- Tall recipient
- Microwave
- Piping Bag
- Scissors
- Bowl(s)
- Parchment paper
- Offset spatula
- Mixing bowl (s)
- Tabletop mixer
- Infrared Thermometer
- Double broiler
- Rectangular silicone mold, 24 cm x 8cm x 2cm (9.5” x 3.1” x 0.8”)
Hazelnut Nougatine
Ingredients: Hazelnut Nougatine
125 gbutter
50 gglucose syrup
150 gpowdered sugar
2 gpectin NH
150 gHazelnuts, finely chopped
Preparation: Hazelnut Nougatine
- Melt the butter and glucose together in a pan
- Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.
- Allow the nougatine to come to a full boil while constantly stirring.
- Once the nougatine is cohesive, pour it on a metal tray lined with a silpat and spread evenly into a thin layer.
- Top with another silpat and roll with a rolling pin to flatten and smooth it. Trim the edges and roll some more.
- Remove the top silpat and bake at 160°C (320°F) for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the tray from the oven from time to time and tap it to remove any air bubbles.
- Once the nougatine is cooked and golden, take it out of the oven.
- Using a ruler and a pastry wheel, cut six rectangles of 3 cm x 8.5 cm (1.2” x 3.3”) and six rectangles of 3 cm x 24 cm (1.2” x 9.4”). If the nougatine starts to set, place it back in the oven for a minute or so to soften it.
- Allow the rectangles to cool on a rack and reserve in a dry location until ready to use.
- Cooktop
- Saucepan
- Stamp (s)
- Bowl(s)
- Ruler (s)
- Rolling pin
- Metal Tray (s)
- Pastry wheel
- Silpat (s)
Sea Salt Caramel Glaze
Ingredients: Sea Salt Caramel Glaze
144 gHeavy Cream 35%
164 gWater #1
13 gGelatin sheets, 180 bloom
65 gWater #2
216 gsugar
108 gsweetened condensed milk
3 gfine salt
108 gglucose syrup
216 gCacao Barry Zephyr Caramel Chocolate
Preparation: Sea Salt Caramel Glaze
- Place the cream, first quantity of water and glucose in a saucepan and heat until barely simmering.
- Mix the second quantity of water and the gelatin in a small bowl to allow the gelatin to bloom.
- Heat a dry saucepan and add the sugar to make a dry caramel. Melt until the sugar reaches a dark caramel color.
- Deglaze by gradually adding the warm cream mixture and stir well after each addition.
- Strain the caramel over the Cacao Barry® Zéphyr caramel, sweetened condensed milk, salt and bloomed gelatin.
- Mix with an immersion blender until well emulsified.
- Let the glaze cool down to 28°C (82°F).
- Cooktop
- Stamp (s)
- Tall recipient
- Thermometer
- Immersion blender
- Bowl(s)
- Saucepans
- Sieve
Ingredients: Garnish
Q.S.Cacao Barry Zephyr Caramel Chocolate
Preparation: Garnish
- Pour the pre-crystallized chocolate on a guitar sheet and cover with another guitar sheet.
- Spread thinly with an offset spatula.
- Using a metal ruler and the back of a pairing knife, measure and cut 5.5 cm (2.2”) squares in the chocolate.
- Place the guitar sheets between two pieces of parchment paper. Place this on plastic film.
- Place the rolling pin diagonally on one of the corners and roll everything around it.
- Reserve in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to fully crystallize the chocolate and then store at room temperature until needed.
- Stamp (s)
- Parchment paper
- Offset spatula
- Mixing bowl (s)
- Plastic film
- Guitar sheets
- Ruler (s)
- Rolling pin
- Small paring knife
- Cutting board
Assembly and Finishing
Ingredients: Assembly and Finishing
Hazelnuts, roasted
Candied orange zest
Preparation: Assembly and Finishing
- Unmold the sponge cake and carefully remove the parchment paper.
- Place it back in the mold and trim the top.
- Trim the edges of the cake with a bread knife, making sure the final cake size is 23.5 cm x 8.25 cm (0.2” x 3.2”).
- Use metal rods as guides to trim along the longer sides of the cake.
- Pipe a layer of compote on top of the cake and smooth with an offset spatula.
- Place the cake on your serving platter.
- Pour the glaze in a piping bag.
- Unmold the frozen mousse and place it on the metal rod to lift it from the work surface.
- Pipe the glaze on the mousse. Wipe off the excess glaze on the sides with an offset spatula.
- Carefully place the glazed mousse on top of the cake.
- Pipe a little compote along each nougatine rectangle and secure one on each side of the cake.
- Peel the plastic film from the rolling pin and the decorations.
- Remove the rolling pin and carefully peel the decorations from the guitar sheet.
- Shave the whole roasted hazelnuts to flatten them.
- Place one chocolate garnish in the center of the cake. Top it with a piece of homemade or store bought candied citrus peel and one of the shaved hazelnuts.
- Tall recipient
- Piping Bag
- Scissors
- Offset spatula
- Gloves
- Ruler (s)
- Serrated knife
- Metal rods
- Microplane
- Serving plate

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