Trendy Chocolate Creations
Belgium, Wieze
20 Jan 2025 - 21 Jan 2025
2 days
Primary course language:
Secondary course language:
650.00 EUR
Chocolate Confectionery
Traditional Bakery & Pastry
Class size:

De cursus "Trendy Chocolates" met onze chef Dries Delanghe is een boeiende cursus gericht op professionele chocolatiers die hun vaardigheden willen verfijnen en op de hoogte willen blijven van de nieuwste trends in de chocoladewereld.

Tijdens deze cursus leert u geavanceerde technieken voor het maken van innovatieve chocoladecreaties, waaronder moderne vullingen, decoraties en presentaties.

Chef Dries Delanghe deelt zijn expertise en passie voor chocolade en biedt praktische tips en trucs om uw chocoladecreaties naar een hoger niveau te tillen. De cursus combineert theorie en praktijk, waardoor deelnemers de kans krijgen om hands-on ervaring op te doen en geïnspireerd te raken door de creatieve mogelijkheden van chocolade.


Doelgroep :

Gezien Chocolate Academy deel uitmaakt van de Barry Callebaut groep en onze focus ligt op professionele chocoladeverwerking zijn onze cursussen enkel toegangkelijk voor professionele bakkers, patissiers, chocolatiers en horecachefs.


Le cours "Trendy Chocolates" avec notre chef Dries Delanghe est un cours passionnant destiné aux chocolatiers professionnels qui souhaitent affiner leurs compétences et rester informés des dernières tendances dans le monde du chocolat.

Pendant le cours, vous apprendrez des techniques avancées pour créer des chocolats innovants, y compris des garnitures modernes, des décorations et des présentations.

Chef Dries Delanghe partage son expertise et sa passion pour le chocolat, et offre des conseils pratiques et des actuces pour élever vos créations chocolatées à un niveau supérieur. Le cours combine théorie et pratique, permettant ainsi aux participants d'acquérir une expérience pratique et de s'inspirer des possibilités créatives du chocolat.


Public cible :

Étant donné que la Chocolate Academy fait partie du groupe Barry Callebaut et que nous nous concentrons sur la transformation professionnelle du chocolat, nos cours ne sont ouverts qu'aux boulangers, pâtissiers, chocolatiers et chefs cuisiniers professionnels.



Practical information


Indicative programme of a course

08:30h - Welcome at Chocolate Academy™ bar
09:00 - Start of course
12:00h - Lunch
13:00h - Continuation of the course
17:00h - End of course
Deviations from this daily schedule are possible depending on the course and teachers.


Lunch and all hot and cold drinks consumed during the course are included in the price.
If you have any food intolerances or restrictions, please let us know by e-mail:


Only transport is provided to Chocolate Academy™ in Wieze from the following hotels in Aalst and vice versa.
No pickup is provided at the airport or train stations (including Aalst station). No other transfer is provided.
However, you can take advantage of this shuttle service offered without hotel reservation .

The hotels are located at the following distance from the railway station of Aalst :
Station hotel : 150 metres
Keizershof hotel : 850 metres
Ibis hotel : 2.7 km
Arrangements for the shuttle service will be made 2 weeks
before the start of the course when you receive the
final invitation.


Keizershof Hotel (centre of Aalst)
Korte Nieuwstraat 15, 9300 Aalst
contact@keizershof-hotel .com

Station Hotel (opposite Aalst railway station)
Albert Liénartstraat 14, 9300 Aalst
info@stationhotel-aalst .com

Ibis Hotel (near motorway exit, 20 min walking distance from centre of Aalst)
Villalaan 20, 9300 Aalst
h3155@accor .com



Behind the Library are the lockers for storing your personal belongings; left for men, right for women.
Don't forget to put the key back on the locker after the course for the next visitor.


Lunch is taken in the bar or at the Greenhouse.

Washing up

Students are asked to help with the dishes from time to time during the course.

Chef's robe

A chef's jacket can be used for the duration of the course. These are fitted at the start and used for the duration of the course.
After the course, you can leave your chef's jacket on the floor in the locker room.

Mobile shop

During the course we offer our students the opportunity to buy a limited selection of professional literature.
Payment can be made by bank card, credit card or cash

Social Network

WIFI login
You can use the local WIFI network. Information can be asked at the bar of the Chocolate Academy or the reception.


Safety and hygiene rules

  • Please notify us in case of illness or symptoms of COVID-19.
  • No glass will be taken into the course room. However, drinks can be brought in cardboard cups from the bar.
  • Peanuts are prohibited everywhere on the premises (i.e. no Snickers or peanut butter).
  • Smoking is prohibited in the buildings and areas around the factory. Outside the Chocolate Academy™, there is a smoking shelter provided on the left when you go outside.
  • It is necessary to wear closed footwear (without heels) and long trousers. You may not enter the course room without a chef's coat or disposable jacket.
  • There are toilets on the ground floor (corridor next to the Pastry Lab) and on the first floor (past the bar and lift) - see floor plan in the attached document

Photos during the course

Photos will be taken during the course and published later on our Facebook page and Instagram .
If you do not agree to this, please let us know in good time! All understanding for that.

Discounts for Belgian companies

Are you taking a course at the Chocolate Academy™? Whether you opt for a chocolate, bakery, patisserie or ice cream course, Alimento offers a discount on your registration:
From €75 for a half-day to €150 for a full day.

For whom?
All Belgian bakers, pastry chefs or chocolatiers fall under Joint Committee 118 or 220 and have fewer than 100 employees. This discount also applies to the business manager if he/she participates together with the employee(s). The same applies to technical education teachers teaching bakery, pastry or chocolate courses.

When do you receive this discount?
You first pay the full amount to Chocolate Academy™. When the course is over, we will notify Alimento of your attendance. They will refund part of the total price.

What steps do I need to take?
Simply inform us about your national registration number, joint committee and NSSO number via email to :

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