Ruby Essence
Serbia, Belgrade
24 Sep 2024 - 26 Sep 2024
3 days
Primary course language:
750.00 EUR
Chocolate Confectionery
Traditional Bakery & Pastry
Coffee Shop and Beverage
Class size:

Join us for this 3 day Course where the finalist of the World Chocolate Master (WCM) competition, Nicolas Nicolakopoulos, will present his advanced Fine Pastry education in making the finest cakes, where, in addition to the theoretical part, he will present the techniques of making confectionary, matching flavors and textures, assembling desserts, as well as the process of decorating his eight carefully created, innovative and specially decorated recipes. Starting from scratch, the class will go over the recipes, building and decorating elements of the desserts using classic, modern and innovative techniques.

Pridružite nam se na ovom trodnevnom kursu na kojem će finalista World Chocolate Master (WCM) takmičenja, Nicolas Nicolakopoulos, predstaviti svoje napredno obrazovanje za fino pecivo u pravljenju najfinijih kolača, gde će, pored teorijskog dela, predstaviti i tehnike izrade konditorskih proizvoda, odgovarajućih ukusa i tekstura, sklapanja dezerata, kao i procesa ukrašavanja njegovih osam pažljivo kreiranih, inovativnih i posebno ukrašenih recepata. Počevši od nule, čas će preći preko recepata, pravljenja i ukrašavanja elemenata deserta koristeći klasične, moderne i inovativne tehnike. 

Course agenda

Starting from scratch, the class will go over the recipes, building and decorating elements of the desserts using classic, modern and innovative techniques. Through hands-on experience and expert guidance, this Course is tailored to elevate creativity and empower attendees to get inspired and execute themed desserts that are surprising both outside and inside.

Počevši od nule, čas će preći preko recepata, pravljenja i ukrašavanja elemenata dezerata koristeći klasične, moderne i inovativne tehnike. Kroz praktično iskustvo i stručno vođenje, ovaj kurs je osmišljen da podigne kreativnost i osnaži polaznike da dobiju inspiraciju i kreiraju tematske dezerte koji su iznenađujući i spolja i iznutra.

Practical information

Workshop hours:  08.30-12.00, 13.00-16.30

Lunch break:  12.00-13.00, Lunch is provided.

Should you have any allergies or food restrictions, please let us know a week prior to the class.


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