Make Chocolate Not War
Ready to make your heart beat faster? A soft pink coloured drink filled with the taste of berries and the sakura flower.
Ready to make your heart beat faster? A soft pink coloured drink filled with the taste of berries and the sakura flower.
Containing: 1 Component

Make Chocolate Not War

Ingredients: Make Chocolate Not War

  • 50 g
  • 30 ml
    hot milk
  • 120 ml
    cold milk
  • 5 cl
    Sakura syrup
  • 3-5 piece(s)
    Ice cubes

Preparation: Make Chocolate Not War

1. Decore un vaso helado con Callebaut Dark Chocolate Flavour Topping.
2. Combine el Van Houten Ground ruby Chocolate y la leche caliente y remueva para formar una pasta.
3. Añada la leche fría y el sirope de Sakura a una coctelera, llénela de cubitos de hielo y agite. Cuele en el vaso.
4. Adorne con un pétalo de rosa y decorar con Callebaut Dark Chocolate Flavour Topping.

• 1 pétalo de rosa
• Callebaut Dark Chocolate Flavour Topping TOD-6022-Z38

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