The perfect caramel ganache with hero ingredient Callebaut Gold chocolate!The perfect caramel ganache with hero ingredient Callebaut Gold chocolate!
- Shelf life:
- 4 weeks
- Conservation:
- 15-17°c
Containing: 1 Component
Gold Caramel Ganache Recipe
Ingredients: Gold Caramel Ganache Recipe
50 gsugar
Preparation: Gold Caramel Ganache Recipe
Dry caramelised the sugar
Ingredients: Gold Caramel Ganache Recipe
100 gwhipping cream
Preparation: Gold Caramel Ganache Recipe
Warm the cream and add to the sugar a little at a time keeping on a low heat
Ingredients: Gold Caramel Ganache Recipe
35 gunsalted butter
Preparation: Gold Caramel Ganache Recipe
Add the glucose then the butter and mix until all incorperated
Ingredients: Gold Caramel Ganache Recipe
3 gFlaked Sea Salt
Preparation: Gold Caramel Ganache Recipe
Add the salt
Ingredients: Gold Caramel Ganache Recipe
120 gCHK‐R30GOLD‐E4
Preparation: Gold Caramel Ganache Recipe
Cool to 80c then add to the chocolate and mix
Cool to 30-35c then pipe into pre-crystalized mould
Top with cocoa nibs
Leave to set then finish with the backing of the mould

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Submitted by Nilu Sapugoda 2 on Sun, 03/09/2025 - 14:27
This recipe says add glucose, but the amount of the glucose is not in the recipe.
How much glucose needs to be added
Submitted by natasha_eaton@… on Fri, 03/14/2025 - 11:56
In reply to This recipe says add glucose… by Nilu Sapugoda 2
Thank you for letting us know the ingredient was missing - it's 40g of glucose you would need :)