Chocolate products that have a dull, grainy surface may be exhibiting sugar bloom
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Submitted by Andrea Staggemeier on Fri, 04/28/2023 - 20:48
What is your recommended temperature and humidity for finished products, please.
Submitted by Miranda K - Ch… on Mon, 05/01/2023 - 20:08
In reply to What is your recommended… by Andrea Staggemeier
In the storage video, Chef Alexandre recommends a storage temperature of 20°C. This is closer to a cool room temp than to the temperature in your average refriegerator, which is why a cooler specifically for chocolate is ideal.
Humidity is less of a detrimental factor if your products are well-sealed. Around 60% humidity is good, but depending on your situation, this can be difficult to achieve and will probably fluctuate, so properly wrapping chocolate is crucial. I know some who like to vacuum seal each box to be extra sure, though this is a cost that adds up quickly.
I have worked in restaurants where I was able to commandeer space in the wine room, and it was ideal. In other places, I've been able to find a dim corner of a storage area that stayed cool and dry all year, and that worked well. My point here is that if your budget and/or space are limited, you may need to get creative!