Nuts are one of my favorote flavors to pair with chocolate and this indulgant dessert is definitely a showstopper. The lava center in this application comes from a ganache truffle so the fluidity of the C811 is especially desireable. Feel free to substitute any nut flour or liqueur of your choice.Nuts are one of my favorote flavors to pair with chocolate and this indulgant dessert is definitely a showstopper. The lava center in this application comes from a ganache truffle so the fluidity of the C811 is especially desireable. Feel free to substitute any nut flour or liqueur of your choice.Nuts are one of my favorote flavors to pair with chocolate and this indulgant dessert is definitely a showstopper. The l...
- Shelf life:
- 1 Hour
- Conservation:
- Room Temperature
Containing: 1 Component
Lava Cake Batter
Ingredients: Lava Cake Batter
2.0 ozcream
3.0 ozbutter
5.3 ozeggs
1.9 ozlight brown sugar
0.1 ozvanilla extract
0.4 ozAmaretto
0.8 ozcake flour
0.2 ozsalt
Preparation: Lava Cake Batter
- To prepare ramekins coat with softened butter, almond flour, and turbinado sugar
- Make a ganache with cream and chocolate A. Once crystalized scoop into 1oz truffles.
- Melt butter and chocolate B over a bain marie
- In a stand mixer whip eggs and sugar until tripled in volume before adding extract and liquour
- Sift flour into egg mixture
- Slowly incorporate chocolate into cake base
- Transfer to a piping bag and portion 3oz into prepared ramekins, placing a ganache truffle in the center of each lava cake.
- Bake at 219°C for 11 minutes
- Immediately place disc of tempered Callebaut C811 chocolate over top of unmolded lava cakes and sprinkle with AA Almond Brittle Crunch
- Saucepan
- Piping Bag
- Bowl (s)
- Stand Mixer
- Rubber Spatula
- Whisk Attachment
- Scoop
- Metal Bowl
- Aluminium Ramekins 4oz

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