Good to go
Good for freezing
Add sweetness to your table with this recipe!Add sweetness to your table with this recipe!
- Shelf life:
- 3 days
- Conservation:
- +3 Celsius
Containing: 5 Components
Sacher sponge tanzanie
Ingredients: Sacher sponge tanzanie
430 gAlmond Paste
130 gCaster sugar
210 gegg yolks
150 gwhole eggs
250 gegg whites
130 gCaster sugar
100 gflour T45
50 gCP
100 gbutter
Preparation: Sacher sponge tanzanie
- Mix the almond paste and the sugar together.
- Slowly add the egg yolks and whole eggs and whip until the ruban stage.
- Whisk the egg white and the sugar.
- Sieve the dry ingredients together.
- Melt the chocolate and butter to 50 Celsius. Add a 1/3 of the meringue into the chocolate.
- Fold the dry ingredients then finished by the rest of the meringue.
- Bake at 180 Celsius
Praline feuilletine insert
Ingredients: Praline feuilletine insert
80 gLactee superieure
150 gFeuilletine
Preparation: Praline feuilletine insert
- Mix the praline and melted chocolate – Temper at 26 Celsius add the feuilletine
Cocoa nibs light mousse
Ingredients: Cocoa nibs light mousse
105 gNIBS-S502
270 gmilk
225 gCream
105 gegg yolks
105 gCaster sugar
11 gGelatin
360 gwater
Preparation: Cocoa nibs light mousse
- Warm up the cocoa nibs in the oven for 10mns at 150 Celsius
- Warm up the milk and add the nibs and infuse for 10mns.
- Sieve and scale back to 270g – add milk if needed.
- Combine the infused milk with the cream, yolks and sugar and cook to 82 Celsius.
- Add the bloomed gelatin. Strain and cool down to 30 Celsius. Fold the cream.
Tanzanie light mousse
Ingredients: Tanzanie light mousse
525 gmilk
1050 gCream
7 gGelatin
42 gwater
Preparation: Tanzanie light mousse
- Bloom the gelatin in the water. Warm up the milk and add the gelatin.
- Pour over the chocolate and create an emulsion.
- Fold the cream when the ganache is at 40 Celsius
Tanzanie gelee

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