Chocolate Confectionery
Chocolate Confectionery
The tools, knowledge, and inspiration artisans and confectioners need to succeed in their professions and in their businesses
We craft with the global leaders in gourmet chocolate

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A treasure trove of inspiration and knowledge for the chocolate Confectionery.
Recommended products for Chocolate Confectionery
Our most popular products are created with the needs of HoReCa in mind.
Our Latest Recipes
Get inspired by new recipes and ideas from our worldwide community of Chefs & Artisans.
Meet your local Chocolate Academy™ Chefs
Team-up with our Chefs and Experts to help, guide, and inspire you with whatever chocolate challenges you face.
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Unsere Partner verfügen über Hunderte von Jahren an Wissen und Erfahrung in der Entwicklung von erstklassigen Inhaltsstoffen und Produkten, die hohen Ansprüchen gerecht werden und den spezifischen Bedürfnissen entsprechen.