Menge: 4 kg (4.5 L) of gelato ready to serve
FOR ENCHANTING ICE CREAM Give irresistible crunch and looks to your gelato. These crispy textures are the way to boost customer pleasure and colour up your counter. 
FOR ENCHANTING ICE CREAM Give irresistible crunch and looks to your gelato. These crispy textures are the way to boost customer pleasure and colour up your counter. 
Enthält:3 Komponenten

Choco'corno ruby

Zutaten: Choco'corno ruby

  • 1 Beutel(s)
    Callebaut® ChocoGelato Fior di Cao (MXM-ICE15-V99)
  • 2 kg
    heißes Wasser (70°-85°)

Zubereitung: Choco'corno ruby

Mix well with immersion blender for ±2 mins. Leave to rest in fridge (3-5°C) for ±30 mins. Pour into batch freezer and start churning.

Zutaten: Choco'corno ruby

  • Callebaut ® Feinste belgische Rubinschokolade, Rezept Nr. RB1 (CHR-R35RB1)

Zubereitung: Choco'corno ruby

When gelato leaves batch freezer, fill half gelato container and mix in.

Fill rest of gelato container and mix in Callebaut® Ice Chocolate ruby RB1. Leave to rest in blast freezer for a few mins

Finishing & decorations

Fill gelato cone with ruby stracciatella and dip into Callebaut® Ice Chocolate ruby RB1. For an extra indulgent and lusciously hedonistic chocolate sensation: dip once more! 



Zutaten: Decorations

  • CHR-BS-21877
  • CHR-PN-6222

Zubereitung: Decorations

Tip: Ideal in combination with Callebaut® Ice Chocolate ruby RB1. Just sprinkle immediately after dipping

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